// WARNING // The JSON data statement below does not take into account any existing data in database you are running it against. // It may cause conflicts (e.g. with existing constraints), or produce other undesired side effects (e.g. change results of existing queries). // It is therefore highly recommended to create a backup of your graph database before executing the statement. // When using the Import Application functionality, only copy & paste the data blow this line to the form. { "nodes": [ { "id": 52, "labels": [ "IA_Function" ], "properties": { "$_instance": "details", "$area": "content", "$caption": "", "$container.height": 600, "$container.id": "details", "$container.title": "{{caption}}", "$container.width": 600, "$params": "", "name": "Details gridview", "type": "GridView", "uuid": "0d28bd04-0a82-11e8-85b9-024264008aa1" } }, { "id": 51, "labels": [ "IA_Function" ], "properties": { "$addOnExecute": "", "$area": "content", "$autoCompleteStatus": "true", "$canDownloadSVG": 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