In a short series of videos Graphileon founder Tom Zeppenfeldt demonstrates the different iterations of a Visual Query Builder (VQB) application. This VQB allows non-developers to benefit from the power of graph databases. It simultaneously demonstrates the capabilities of the low-code Graphileon platform as this entire application is configured by connecting Graphileon functions.
The first version of this Graphileon app shows the basic functionality and structure of the application while the second version adds tabulated output. The third iteration has added functionality for selecting a store to query and for filtering on property values. The fourth iteration adds functionality to display and filter on edge property values.
This Visual Query Builder app is work in progress but will be made available in the near future through either our App library or as a central service.
The videos above are among the 40+ videos that we published through our YouTube channel , including many examples and ways to deal with a wide range of use cases. Feel free to subscribe to learn about new features that are released.