Graphileon newsletter December 2018


Release of our latest version: Graphileon 2.2.0

On August 15th we released our first beta of Graphileon Personal Edition and after extensive testing we’re now ready to release our next version. Graphileon 2.2.0 solves a number of minor issues, contains several UX improvements and adds new features such as bookmarking of functions and dashboards, custom page styles, export of diagrams to Cypher and the inclusion of powerful 3rd party components ag-Grid and Chart.js for improved grid and chart performance. Graphileon 2.2.0 also offers the possibility to include a licensed version of yFiles for enhanced network visualisation.
In addition, Graphileon 2.2.0 supports openCypher, allowing it to connect to Neo4j and Memgraph databases.

Release notes Graphileon 2.2.0

Graphileon 2.2.0 comes in two editions

Our free Graphileon Personal Edition runs as a standalone application on your desktop and is great for evaluation of our product on a single user account. It has the full set of Graphileon functions and allows you to connect two graph stores simultaneously!

Download for registered Graphileon Personal Edition users
New to Graphileon? Register and download

Graphileon Server Edition was built to serve networked multi-user environments. On top of what the Personal Edition offers, this version allows for multiple users, unlimited connected graph stores and more elaborate Graphileon applications, depending on the version registered.

Pricing for the Server Edition starts at only 3,000 €/yr and uses a progressive licensing model based on the number of “Graphileons” -the sum of users, dashboards and function nodes- used.

Read about the Graphileon Server Edition licensing model

Things you can do with Graphileon

Graphileon can communicate with other web-services by means of its IA_Request function.

This is illustrated by the “Topic extraction” demo which demonstrates the power of Graphileon in combination with the MeaningCloud topic extraction service. While you add content to your documents, MeaningCloud extracts the topics and Graphileon builds a graph database structure out of the meaning on the fly! In addition it uses the Neo4j algorithm plugin to calculate the similarity with other existing documents. You can read a full description of this powerful demo, with accompanying YouTube videos, on our blog.

Getting started

The possibilities of Graphileon are endless but if you wanted to get started quickly you best start watching our Getting Started videos on YouTube. They take you through the Graphileon user interface, visualisation, styling and building of applications on top of your graph stores.

Partner news

We have welcomed two new partners to our network:

memgraphMemgraph, based in London, UK and Zagreb, Croatia, is the vendor of Memgraph, an in-memory graph database. Graphileon’s support for openCypher allows users to manage data in, and build applications on top of Memgraph. For more information on Memgraph, visit their website.


mydatalinxMydatalinx, based in Paris & Lyon, France, is an independent consultancy firm focusing on consulting, training and integration of IT-solutions in the field of Product Lifecycle Management. Together, Mydatalinx and Graphileon implement and support graph-based solutions.


For a full list of our technology and consulting partners, please visit our partner page.



Graphileon tips and tricks

Virtual nodes

“If it looks like a node, smells like a node and feels like a node then it is a node”

In other words; Anything that has the data structure of a node (or a relationship), will be displayed as such in our NetworkView or yFilesView.
It doesn’t even matter whether the underlying data comes from a graph store, a response from a web service, Elastic, or a combination of those.

This opens up great possibilities for the creation of virtual nodes and relations that exist in the visualisation but not in the underlying data store. Virtual nodes are a useful strategy for situations where you want to present aggregated information (e.g. a combination of nodes and/or relations) from different related nodes or when you want to do a scenario analysis in a multi-user environment and not want to write to the database.

The use of virtual nodes is described on our blog and demonstrated in our Analysis of scenarios video.

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Graphileon implements business logic of new EU Regulations for Anti-Money Laundering and Counter-Terrorist Financing

The European Union has recently introduced new regulations aimed at preventing the misuse of the financial system for money laundering and terrorist financing (Read More). A crucial part of these updates focuses on identifying Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs) and entities requiring thorough investigations. In collaboration with a key legal sector client, we’ve successfully implemented the … Continued

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Graphileon partners with thatDot to support Quine streaming graph for real-time analytics

Graphileon partners with thatDot to develop connectors for Quine (, an open-source streaming graph solution for event-driven applications.

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Release of Graphileon 3.6.0

The release of Graphileon 3.6.0 brings numerous enhancements and features to this graph database management software. Here are the key highlights: New Components and Features: This version introduces new and improved components (Functions) and incorporates user-requested features, enhancing the functionality of the software. Enhanced Visualization: Users can now customize the visualization of nodes in the … Continued

Get started with Graphileon Personal Edition in the cloud or on your desktop.

The easiest way to get to know Graphileon is to spin up the Personal Edition in the Graphileon Cloud. It comes with two graph stores installed and access to the App Library with examples and apps. You can also download and install Graphileon Personal Edition to run it on your desktop. Either way, you will be able to build graphy applications an browse your graph stores in a way you never did before.